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Session Name:

Add Senior to That Title: Real Career Talk


The real difference between entry level and senior (or even lead!) is not what most people think. By turning career advancement on its head and focusing on how teammates are surprisingly the most important ingredient in teams, the game of getting ahead turns into a collaborative path of iterative growth. This talk takes its theory to the streetwell, the cubiclewith specific examples, common misconceptions, and the real experiences of Ben Schneider, Professor of Practice at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, both as a designer and as a manager. Real talk includes what's up with the idea of taking initiative, managing upward, making the most of professional development (hint: GDC), and even layoffs.

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  • Game Developers Conference 2023
  • Ben Schneider
  • Worcester Polytechnic Institute
  • free content
  • Career Development
  • Game Career / Education