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Session Name: Producer Boot Camp
Speaker(s): Simon Cooke, Dallas Dickinson, Bernd Diemer, Rod Fergusson, Laura Fryer, Peter Holzapfel, Senta Jakobsen, Siobhan Reddy, Michael Saladino, Brian Schmidt
Company Name(s): Microsoft, Bioware, Yager Develompent, Epic Games, WB Games Seattle, Crytek GmbH, ngmoco, Media Molecule, Riot Games, Brian Schmidt Studios
Track / Format: Advocacy

With each new generation of gaming hardware capabilities are increased, customer expectations are raised, games become more complex and team sizes grow larger. Now more than ever, in the controlled chaos that is game development, the role of the producer is critical to the success of shipping a blockbuster title. Successful producers are much more than just schedule jockeys; they are team managers, communication facilitators, conflict mediators, risk mitigators, work enablers and predictors of the future. The Producer Boot Camp focuses on some of the key skills required by producers, both new to the role and seasoned veterans, to be successful in this challenging industry.


10:15-11:05am- Producer 101 or Good Questions Outrank Easy Answers
Speaker: Peter Holzapfel (Crytek)
This lecture will highlight topics critical to being a producer, such as: communication, feedback, build evaluation, pre-production involvement, championing the product/franchise, milestone structuring, and more.
11:15am-12:05pm- It's Not Rocket Surgery: Managing Teams Across Disciplines And Under Pressure
Speaker: Simon Cooke (Microsoft)
Learn a variety of battle-hardened tricks and tactics for building teams, keeping them running smoothly, and how to handle your team's worst enemy: the panic of shipping a game.

12:05-1:30pm- Lunch

1:30-2:20pm- Triage: The Only Thing Production Does
Speaker: Dallas Dickinson (BioWare Austin)
What does a producer do? The answer is different in different studios, but it all comes down to one thing: triage and prioritization. It doesn't matter if you're a "creative" Producer or a schedule-pushing "Project Manager" or a tech-facing "Development Director." The bottom line is, you have to be able to cut through the fog and identify what are your biggest challenges, biggest risks and biggest payoffs.  
2:30-3:20pm- What Made You Successful Yesterday Will Kill You Tomorrow

Speaker: Michael Saladino (Riot Games)


3:30-4:00pm- What Every Producer Must Know About Audio

Speaker: Brian Schmidt (Brian Schmidt Studios)

Sound represents one of the two primary senses your game uses to interact with your player.  In this talk, we’ll cover what game producers need to know about audio, ranging from audio production essentials and music rights to  managing external composers, with an eye towards  ensuring your audio production remains glitch-free.


4-4:20pm- Coffee Break


4:20-5:10pm- Scoping Success

Speaker: Rod Fergusson (Epic Games)

5:20-6:00pm- Producer Panel & Wrap Up

Speakers: Bernd Diemer (Crytek), Rod Fergusson (Epic Games), Laura Fryer (WB Games, Seattle), Siobhan Reddy (Media Molecule)


GDC 2012

Simon Cooke


Dallas Dickinson


Bernd Diemer

Yager Develompent

Rod Fergusson

Epic Games

Laura Fryer

WB Games Seattle

Peter Holzapfel

Crytek GmbH

Senta Jakobsen


Siobhan Reddy

Media Molecule

Michael Saladino

Riot Games

Brian Schmidt

Brian Schmidt Studios

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