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Session Name:

Get Journalists to Cover Your Game: Lessons from Online Dating, Praying and 'No Man's Sky'


With the number of game releases skyrocketing, getting media, Youtube and streamer coverage is becoming constantly more important and likewise more difficult. The session "Get Journalists to Cover Your Game: Lessons from Online Dating, Praying and No Man's Sky" explores why some games get more time in the spotlight while most struggle to get noticed. In the beginning, the question for what games PR is a good communication approach will be explored, and is followed by insights in the gaming media landscape: What does good media coverage even look like and why do certain stories start spreading automatically? The final part explores "5 golden rules on how to get your game covered". These recommendations are based on data and years of practical PR experience for indie and AAA games, as well as interviews with well-known journalists from outlets such as Waypoint by VICE, Guardian and influencers.

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