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Session Name:

Addressing Exploit Abuse in 'EVE Online' with Customer Care


Investigating and addressing the impact of exploit abuse on the living universe of 'EVE Online' poses a unique and interesting challenge. This session covers CCP Games' handling of a recent impactful exploit and the many challenges entailed therein. The methodology of the investigation and lessons learned are covered in detail, with a focus on customer care. The struggle of finding a fair balance between rule enforcement and customer-centricity is a central theme of the session. Learn how, with honest and open communication, CCP managed to receive highly positive community sentiment from the players negatively affected by the punitive actions following the investigation. Be inspired to improve communication during conflict resolution for the benefit of your community. No prior knowledge of the game mechanics for 'EVE Online' is necessary to appreciate and enjoy the session.

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  • GDC 2018
  • David Einarsson
  • CCP Games
  • free content
  • Production & Team Management
  • Production