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Session Name: The Emotional Puppeteer: Uncovering the Musical Strings that Tie Our Hearts to Games
Speaker(s): Brandi House, Marty O'Donnell
Company Name(s): Bungie, Bungie
Track / Format: Audio

Music provokes powerful emotions like anticipation, excitement, serenity, terror and hope from the players of our games. That means composers may be the most clever puppeteers in the carnival. Even great composers can benefit from a clearer understanding of how these strings are attached or, in some cases, freakishly broken. In this talk we'll illuminate powerful insights uncovered through user research about how people really feel in response to music in games. We will describe the methods we used and share the data we gathered using a variety of audio and video examples. Finally, you will be able to ask tough questions like "Does music make people feel heroic?" Why yes, it certainly does.

GDC 2012

Brandi House


Marty O'Donnell


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