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Session Name:

Build That Wall: Creating the Audio for Bastion


You don't need a high-end recording studio and hordes of sound engineers to produce AAA quality audio for your game. How did a one-man audio team create the critically acclaimed music and sound for Supergiant Games' Bastion on a shoestring budget? By recording in his closet...that's how! Supergiant Games' Audio Director and Composer, Darren Korb, will walk you through his development process; from creating Bastion's eclectic "acoustic frontier trip-hop" soundtrack and haunting vocal melodies, to its innovative reactive narration and sound effects. Learn how to create high-production-value audio on an "Indie" budget, all by yourself, through the creative use of simple techniques!

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  • GDC 2012
  • Darren Korb
  • Supergiant Games
  • free content
  • Audio
  • Audio