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Session Name:

Getting to a Brand's Core Message with VR


Truly effective VR experiences not only require a narrative that works exclusively in an immersive storytelling environment, but an authentic adherence to brand values. This talk starts with panelists showcasing past work for top brands including BMW, Converse, Honda, Google, Dos Equis, GE, American Express, AT&T, Jeep and JC Penney. The subsequent discussion centers around tips on VR vs. 360 video content for branded campaigns, lessons learned from completed campaigns, use of VR at live events/retail vs. more personalized smartphone experiences, and much more.

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  • VRDC Fall 2016
  • Ryan Pulliam
  • Specular Theory
  • Steve Nix
  • Reel FX VR
  • Brian Latt
  • m ss ng p eces
  • Julia Sourikoff
  • Tool of North America
  • free content
  • Brand Experience
  • Virtual / Augmented Reality