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Session Name:

Full Speed Flying in VR! The R&D Behind 'Eagle Flight'


VR is a game changer when it comes to immersion. However, as a new medium, VR also comes with new challenges. One of them is potential discomfort caused by virtual motion. Ubisoft could not imagine VR being limited to static or "teleportation" experiences, so they began an R&D project aimed at finding a way to allow comfortable high speed motion in VR. Olivier will describe their research (e.g. effects of motion in peripheral vision), and solutions they found (e.g. dynamic peripheral vision blinders). They also looked for controls that would not only be comfortable, but also very intuitive and precise. The results surpassed their expectations, achieving incredibly precise and reactive controls!

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  • VRDC Fall 2016
  • Olivier Palmieri
  • Ubisoft Montreal
  • free content
  • Games & Entertainment
  • Virtual / Augmented Reality