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Session Name:

Advanced Reddit Tactics: Front-Paging and Winning Big When It Happens


Reddit is now the 4th most visited website in the US, and gaming-related content frequently hits the Reddit frontpage, where it can have a monumental impact on community growth and game sales. However, leveraging Reddit for marketing purposes can be tricky due to the site's quirky culture and intolerance of spam. Moreover, simply hitting the frontpage is no guarantee of success: your content needs to convert! In this talk, Elyot Grant will outline a playbook of advanced tactics for success on Reddit. He'll explain how Lunarch Studios used these tactics to hit the Reddit frontpage 5 times, collect 40,000 email beta signups in a single day, run a Reddit-powered Kickstarter campaign, and become the #1 top all-time post on /r/bestof (until Barack Obama knocked them down). Additionally, several subversive tactics will be discussed, alongside pitfalls to avoid.

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  • GDC 2018
  • Elyot Grant
  • Lunarch Studios, Inc.
  • free content
  • Business & Marketing
  • Business & Marketing