GDC 2007
(104) Know Your Players: An In-Depth Look at Player Behavior and Consume...
by Jason Scott
Business and Management
GDC 2007
(104) Know Your Players: An In-Depth Look at Player Behavior and Consume...
by Jason Scott
Business and Management
GDC 2007
(105) Core Techniques and Algorithms in Shader Programming
by Matthias Wloka
(Visual Concepts, TakeTwo Inc.)
GDC 2007
(105) Core Techniques and Algorithms in Shader Programming
by Matthias Wloka
(Visual Concepts, TakeTwo Inc.)
GDC 2007
(109) Casual Games Summit 101
by John Welch
(Making Fun)
Game Design
GDC 2007
(109) Casual Games Summit 101
by John Welch
(Making Fun)
Game Design
GDC 2007
(205) Large-scale Engineering for Online and Offline Games
by Neil Kirby
GDC 2007
(206) Autodesk 3ds Max 9: Advanced Techniques for Next-gen Pipelines
by Neil Kirby
GDC 2007
(209) Casual Games Summit 201
by Erik Bethke
Game Design
GDC 2007
(304) Independent Games Summit
by Eric Zimmerman
Game Design
GDC 2007
(304) Independent Games Summit
by Eric Zimmerman
Game Design
GDC 2007
(Canceled) Best Practices to Help You Take Control of Your Game Development
by Grady Booch
GDC 2007
10 Steps to Success in Outsourcing Contracts
by Vincent Scheurer
(Sarassin LLP)
Business and Management
GDC 2007
10 Steps to Success in Outsourcing Contracts
by Vincent Scheurer
(Sarassin LLP)
Business and Management
GDC 2007
3D in 3D: Rendering Anaglyph Stereographics in Real-time
by Bruce Oberg
(Sucker Punch Productions)
GDC 2007
3D in 3D: Rendering Anaglyph Stereographics in Real-time
by Bruce Oberg
(Sucker Punch Productions)
GDC 2007
3D in 3D: Rendering Anaglyph Stereographics in Real-time
by Bruce Oberg
(Sucker Punch Productions)
GDC 2007
3D Tricks: Engineering Innovation on the Nintendo DS
by Chuck Homic
(Vicarious Visions)
GDC 2007
3D Tricks: Engineering Innovation on the Nintendo DS
by Chuck Homic
(Vicarious Visions)
GDC 2007
4D in Zero Space: Living Games with Procedural Textures
by Sebastien Deguy
Visual Arts
GDC 2007
4D in Zero Space: Living Games with Procedural Textures
by Sebastien Deguy
Visual Arts
GDC 2007
7th Annual Game Developers Choice Awards
Special Event
GDC 2007
8 Bit: A Documentary about Art and Video Games
by Justin Strawhand
GDC 2007
9th Annual Independent Games Festival Awards
Special Event
GDC 2007
Pirates of the Caribbean : Writing Across Game Platforms
by Sande Chen
Game Design
GDC 2007
Final Fantasy XII Postmortem
by Taku Murata
(Square Enix Co.,Ltd)
Visual Arts
GDC 2007
MotorStorm : A Crash Course in Applied Physics
by Scott Kirkland
(Evolution Studios)
GDC 2007
A LocoRoco Postmortem: Making Happiness into Gameplay
by Tsutomu Kouno
Game Design
GDC 2007
A LocoRoco Postmortem: Making Happiness into Gameplay
by Tsutomu Kouno
Game Design
GDC 2007
Adapting Digital Cinematography Techniques for Game Development
by Jerry O\'Flaherty
(Warner Brothers Studio)
Visual Arts
GDC 2007
Advanced Audio Techniques for Racing Games: Creating Audio for Forza Mot...
by Mike Caviezel
(Turn 10 Studios, Microsoft)
GDC 2007
Advanced Audio Techniques for Racing Games: Creating Audio for Forza Mot...
by Mike Caviezel
(Turn 10 Studios, Microsoft)
GDC 2007
Advanced Audio Techniques in UnrealEngine3
by Carlo Vogelsang
(Creative Labs, Inc)
GDC 2007
Advanced Granular Synthesis for Next Generation Games
by Leonard Paul
(Lotus Audio)
GDC 2007
Advanced Granular Synthesis for Next Generation Games
by Leonard Paul
(Lotus Audio)
GDC 2007
Adventures in Fundraising: Lessons Learned on the Cutting Edge of Capital
by Kevin Bachus
(Nival Interactive)
Business and Management
GDC 2007
After the Party: Introversion Software One Year on from IGF 2006
by Mark Morris
(Introversion Software)
GDC 2007
Agile Game Development
by Clinton Keith
(Clinton Keith Consulting)
GDC 2007
Agile Game Development
by Clinton Keith
(Clinton Keith Consulting)
GDC 2007
Anatomy of an Experimental Game Score
by Garry Schyman
GDC 2007
Are Serious Games Worth Taking Seriously?
by Noah Falstein
(The Inspiracy)
Business and Management
GDC 2007
Art Department Confidential
by Seth Spaulding
(Blizzard Entertainment)
Visual Arts
GDC 2007
Art Department Confidential
by Seth Spaulding
(Blizzard Entertainment)
Visual Arts
GDC 2007
Art Department Confidential
by Seth Spaulding
(Blizzard Entertainment)
Visual Arts
GDC 2007
Art Direction Vision: Defining, Communicating, and Delivering It
by Ocean Quigley
Visual Arts
GDC 2007
Asset Management for Large Game Dialogue Projects
by Ken Kato
(Microsoft Game Studios)
GDC 2007
Athletic Performance: Intelligent Believable Characters
by Eric Armstrong
(Electronic Arts Canada)
Visual Arts
GDC 2007
Audio Production: Ideas for the Next Generation...What Next?
by Scott Selfon
GDC 2007
Autodesk 3ds Max and Autodesk Maya: Advanced Animation Techniques
by Tony Lewellen
(Midway Games)
Visual Arts
GDC 2007
Autodesk 3ds Max and Autodesk Maya: Advanced Animation Techniques
by Tony Lewellen
(Midway Games)
Visual Arts