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Session Name:

Technical Art Culture of 'Uncharted 4'


Technical Art of Uncharted 4 is a hearty reflection on the lessons learned during creation of technology that powers the current gen Art Pipeline of Naughty Dog.
Come and learn how we created our interactive foliage animation technology, cloth, hair and fur simulation, custom automated level of detail technology that allowed us to seamlessly render levels the size of our E3 demo, runtime softbody vehicle deformation, automated runtime object population solutions, tool analytics and more. All written almost exclusively within the Art Department.
But even more importantly, hear our take on what makes effective technical art, the struggles we had with adoption, why self-induced ignorance can be a creative force, why your are only as good as the best work you will ever throw away, how lack of cross departmental barriers allows you to throw more people at problems without actually having to have more people, how cross-technological communication is the next best thing after interpersonal, why nothing beats the importance of trivial tech work and how core artistic principles directly apply to creating technology.

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  • GDC 2016
  • Andrew Maximov
  • Naughty Dog
  • free content
  • Programming
  • Programming