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Session Name: The Best of Times The Worst of Times: Building an Independent Dev Studio in 2010
Speaker(s): Jim Charne, Anthony Jacobson, Garry Kitchen, Didier Malenfant, Dan Offner, David S Rosenbaum, Steve Taylor, Robert Walsh
Company Name(s): Law Offices James I Charne, Atari Inc., AppStar Games, READY AT DAWN, Loeb & Loeb LLP, Law Offices of David S Rosenbaum, Wahoo Studios / NinjaBee, Krome Studios Pty, Ltd.
Track / Format: Business and Management
Overview: The big console dev deal no longer dominates the developer landscape. New formats and delivery systems introduce uncertainty and turmoil in the developer marketplace -- but also provide unprecedented opportunity.

Our panel of experienced games industry lawyers and successful developers will discuss the state of the industry in 2010, how deals and publisher demands have been changing since GDC 2009, the nature of game dev deals today, and how studios must adjust to the realities of the business during these changing times. The panel will also discuss deal points negotiated in all deals no matter the platform -- how old battles are being refought in contract negotiations -- and suggest strategies to improve the end result of your deal. The day will end with a mock negotiation of a game dev deal involving an online component and new platform.

GDC 2010

Jim Charne

Law Offices James I Charne

Anthony Jacobson

Atari Inc.

Garry Kitchen

AppStar Games

Didier Malenfant


Dan Offner

Loeb & Loeb LLP

David S Rosenbaum

Law Offices of David S Rosenbaum

Steve Taylor

Wahoo Studios / NinjaBee

Robert Walsh

Krome Studios Pty, Ltd.

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Business and Management

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