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Session Name:

The Twin Planets of Hope and Despair


Bernd will take the audience back into his childhood. He will show how he learned that stories cannot only be heard, but also told and even created. As well as, how easily context shapes meaning. Next he will explain how the creative process has him oscillating between hope and despair; for which he uses the metaphor or planets and a Gemini capsule in orbit. In the next part he explain how the mind is able to shape and develop full blown realities out of conscious and instinctive influences, and how he constructs his own fantasy worlds, extrapolating from the little bits he sees and understands. He will also explain how he learned that he was not an outsider, but that there were others who felt like him.

Bernd will explain how he attempted to catch and hold these fantasy worlds, how he tried learning all tools and secrets of the trade, hoping for a magical solution, the secret recipe, the Sorcerer's stone that would unlock the mysterious inner workings of creativity. He will talk about how reality did not agree with him. Lastly, he will talk about the need to go beyond, to go on a journey to find new things, and use the power of hope and despair to break your orbit.

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  • GDC Europe 2015
  • Bernd Diemer
  • Yager Interactive
  • free content
  • Design
  • Design